Explore the Major Benefits of Herbal Hair Oil for Your Hair Health

Manan Sahai
Top Benefits of Herbal Hair Oil


Our mothers and grandmothers have been applying herbal hair oil to us since our childhoods. The oils ranged from Amla, Coconut, Neem to herbs whose names we can’t even pronounce. Herbal hair oil has been a part of Ayurveda and a major part of India’s lifestyle, with a large proportion of at least traditionally oriented communities using them regularly. And because the advantages of herbal hair oil are so obviously potent, that the global herbal hair care product market, that includes herbal oils, is projected to reach a valuation of ∼14 billion USD in the next five years.

What are these advantages of herbal hair oils? We’ll get to that in a moment. Let us first look at what constitutes any herbal hair oil.

What constitutes a herbal hair oil

A combination of primarily herbal or plant based extracts, natural oils and of course, herbs, make up the key components of any herbal oil. The herbs used aren’t any random weeds but in fact carefully cultivated plants that are tried and tested over hundreds of years for their therapeutic, healing and strengthening properties. These herbs are also extremely vitamin, mineral and nutrient rich.

They also sometimes contain a base oil of almond, sesame or coconut to bind the properties together and act as catalysts in transferring the benefits of the specific herbs to the roots and length of the hair. Another supplements to big list of herbal hair oil benefits is that it is free of synthetic chemicals, all natural. It makes the oil obviously safer to use and on a more microlevel, better for the body with little biological interference.

And now, of course, the benefits. Let us list them out.

Benefits of herbal hair oils

  1. Prevention of hairball and dandruff: A 2009 study published in the Indian Journal of Dermatology found that neem extracts inhibit the growth of dandruff causing fungus. Another study published in the The Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology in 2002 concluded that a 5% tea tree oil reduced dandruff after regular use for four weeks as a result of its anti-fungal properties. These powerful anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties of herbs and consecutively formed herbal hair oils benefit its users by rewarding them with no or minimal dandruff, a common problem in the hot plains of India. The same properties also help strengthen the roots, thus preventing hairfall.
  2. Accelerating hair growth: Our previous blog on Rosemary Oil for Hair encapsulated the benefits of that oil, with a focus on hair growth promotion. Herbal hair oils stimulate blood circulation in the scalp upon application, which then boosts hair follicle function and leads to new hair growth. Herbal hair oils contain Vitamin C and amino acids, which enhance collagen production and strengthen hair follicles, directly producing more hair strands. A 2015 study published in Phytotherapy Research and a 2003 study in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology directly support these assertions with proven results.
  3. Protection from and repairing damage: Also effective in repairing damaged hair and protecting it from future harm, herbal hair oils have long been lauded for their ability to protect hair from heat damage, UV rays, and of course, pollution.Herbal hair oils significantly reduce hair damage caused by UV exposure and protein loss due to their high ability to form a protective layer along the hair length.
  4. Strengthening and nourishing hair: Herbal hair oils provide vital nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids that help to nourish and strengthen. Coconut oil, a common base in herbal hair oils, contains lauric acid, which aids the herbal oil to penetrate deep into the hair shaft and thus preventing protein loss. This helps strengthen the hair and reduce breakage, making the strands more resistant to damage. In fact, Bhringraj and Amla, both common herbal ingredients, contain high levels of antioxidants that protect the hair and the scalp from oxidative stress. These antioxidants reduce the damage caused by environmental pollutants and UV exposure, which can weaken the hair over time, thus strengthening hair further.
  5. Relaxation and stress management: Not a very obvious effect of herbal hair oils but important for sure. Massaging herbal oils into the scalp stimulates and relieves pressure points, harbouring in a sense of calm for the user and reducing tension. The properties of herbs and certain ingredients and mixtures are natural relaxants. Pairing them with a hair massage provides all round benefits.
  6. Increasing shine and softness: That bouncy Barbie hair might be a result of chemical products but herbal hair oils produce that effect naturally. Fatty acids found in these oils deeply moisturise hair strands, restoring life and adding a natural shine. They do so by moisturising the hair cuticle and the hair follicles, providing them with essential nutrients and thus producing a “shine”, which is actually supposed to be a regular part of life.

Now, with so many advantages and benefits to herbal hair oil usage, how would you choose the oil that is right for you? While all herbal hair oils impart benefits, choosing the right oil for yourself depends on a multitude of factors. So now, let us break down how to choose the best herbal hair oil for your hair type.

How to choose the right herbal hair oil for your hair type

There are three main steps in this process. The first is to identify your hair type and scalp state. Hair types are majorly divided into oily, dry or normal and scalps are either dandruff affected or sensitive ie get irritated easily. The next step is understand what your hair needs, ie your hair concerns. You will have to decide wether you want to target hair growth, reduce hair fall or repair damage. Once that is decided, you need to understand what ingredients suit your hair, your needs and not so obvious, but equally important, your climate. You can also opt for cold pressed or hot pressed oils, although cold pressed oils contain more nutrients and offer more nourishment.

The main herbal hair oils that benefit the more common concerns are Neem, which helps with oily hair; Coconut and Olive oils, which help with dry hair and repair damage; Bhringarj which helps with normal hair and reduces hair fall; Amla which helps with hair growth.


So, now we know that herbal hair oil benefits you in leaps and bounds. A holistic approach and guaranteed results, over well, hundreds of years and now scientific backing make the advantages of herbal hair oils hard to ignore. And because they are natural, straight from the environment, they are assured to be beneficial for you in ways more than one. While the use of herbal hair oils for hair growth and maintenance is a long term effort, with regular use and incorporation into your hair routine, you will no doubt see results. Be it five problems or a hundred, herbal hair oils are the one stop solution for all your hair troubles.

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Author Bio

Manan Sahai is a seasoned expert with over 10 years of experience in the natural hair oil industry. With a deep passion for holistic health and beauty, Manan has dedicated his career to understanding the benefits of natural ingredients and their impact on hair care. His extensive knowledge and hands-on experience have made him a trusted voice in the industry, guiding consumers toward healthier, more vibrant hair through the power of nature.